108課綱重視英語的實用目標,希望學生能把英文當作探索世界、獲取新知的「工具」。從溝通、人際交流,進而培養 (1) 獲取新知 (2) 將知識運用於情境中解決問題 (3) 國際參與的能力。讓英語學習更貼近生活,讓學生覺得學英文是有用的、有意義的。
閱讀好讀周報第658期03/07英閱大視野文章:「Build a Better Robot」後,用英文寫下你的疑問。
- 方式1:線上投稿,投稿至:https://forms.gle/MhMsMpNhaZvW78qv5
- 方式2:學習單投稿,不知怎麼問問題的同學,可以下載學習單,並將完成後的學習單,拍照或掃描,寄至:julie.yeh@udngroup.com,學習單下載處:https://reurl.cc/448LqK
- 截稿日期:2022年3月21日(星期一)中午12:00
- 好讀小組會挑選好問題,再請專欄作者Coach Jeff回答,問答內容將會刊登在4/4的好讀周報。
- 獲刊登者贈小禮一份。

英英問答趣-Build a better robot 完整投稿榜單
葉姵妤(新竹清華附小仁美里) |
1. Why should we make robots? |
Coach Jeff: |
I think we should make robots because robots can do some dangerous things instead of people. For example, if there is a fire, a robot firefighter could go into the fire to save people’s lives. |
王愛綾(台北萬芳國小301) |
2. Do you think it is possible that robots will take over our world in the future? |
Coach Jeff: |
I don’t think it is possible. I think that robots will be useful helpers for humans, but I think that humans really like freedom so we won’t let the robots take over. I think humans will be careful about that! |
林恩樂(台北萬芳國小501) |
3. What kind of jobs do you think are impossible to be replaced by robots? |
Coach Jeff: |
English teacher! Ha ha! Just kidding! This is a hard question. I think robots can replace humans in many jobs that humans do with their bodies, like putting things together or even making pizza! However, I don’t think robots can replace us in jobs that humans do with their creativity, like inventing new machines or thinking of new pizza recipes. |
陳郁芯(新北市積穗國中808) |
4. What do you think about the disadvantages of the existence of robots in the future? |
Coach Jeff: |
If robots do too much work for humans, we might become lazy. Humans need to be active to stay healthy. If humans stop being so active, I think that would be bad for us. |
孫巧芸(高雄道明中學203) |
5. Can a robot have a heart like a human? |
Coach Jeff: |
Do you mean “Can a robot have feelings”? I don’t think so. Maybe someday far in the future, but not now. Sorry, robots. I hope that doesn’t hurt your feelings. |
6. How to make up for the problem if robots put many people out of work? |
Coach Jeff: |
This is a difficult problem. New inventions often take jobs away from people. However, those people usually find new, different jobs. In the past, this has always been true. I think it might be true in the future, too.
藍寀溱(高雄道明中學106) |
7. Would you like to have a robot to cook your dinner? |
Coach Jeff: |
No, I wouldn’t. I like cooking a lot. Maybe I’ll cook dinner for my robot. |
伍冠緁(高雄道明中學202) |
8. I want to ask if Coach Jeff make his own robot, what will it be like? |
Coach Jeff: |
I want a robot that can help me do some things that I don’t like doing, like cleaning my classroom. Also, because I like music, I want my robot to play music, too. And I also like baseball, so I want my robot to be good at throwing and catching a baseball so we can play baseball together! I guess that will be a pretty strange robot! |
王奕帆(高雄道明中學209) |
9. Did you ever see any kind of robot? |
Coach Jeff: |
Sure. I went to Japan several years ago. In the train station, there was a robot that could answer questions in different languages. It was pretty smart. And pretty cute. |
楊欣蓉(新北市積穗國中808) |
10. Do you think robots will be smarter that humans? |
Coach Jeff: |
I think it might be possible in the future. Think about this: parents are smarter than their children when the children are young, but it’s possible that children can become smarter than their parents. Maybe this will be true for robots, too. Humans are the parents, and robots are the children. Maybe someday they will be smarter than us. |