108課綱重視英語的實用目標,希望學生能把英文當作探索世界、獲取新知的「工具」。從溝通、人際交流,進而培養 (1) 獲取新知 (2) 將知識運用於情境中解決問題 (3) 國際參與的能力。讓英語學習更貼近生活,讓學生覺得學英文是有用的、有意義的。
- 閱讀好讀周報第662期英閱大視野文章:「Earth Day Activities for Kids」後,用英文寫下你的疑問。
- 投稿方式:線上或紙本投稿「二擇一」:
方式2:學習單投稿,不知怎麼問問題的同學,可以下載學習單,並將完成後的學習單,拍照或掃描,寄至:yeh@udngroup.com,學習單下載處:https://reurl.cc/VjVgjQ - 截稿日期:2022年4月18日(星期一)中午12:00
- 好讀小組會挑選好問題,再請專欄作者Coach Jeff回答,問答內容將會刊登在5/2的好讀周報。
- 獲刊登者贈小禮一份。
英英問答趣-Earth Day Activities for Kids完整投稿榜單
學生姓名 |
投稿英文題目 |
楊郁慈(台北東湖國中809) |
1. Is there anything else we can do to help the planet? |
Coach Jeff: |
I don’t want you to be too worried! You don’t have to be a superhero to save the planet. If we all do little things, we can preserve a beautiful environment. |
陳盈希(金門金城國中709) |
2. What will be on earth if we keep destroying environment? |
Coach Jeff: |
I don’t think modern people are really “destroying” the environment. However, I think that we are changing the environment. I know some of the changes have not been good, but now we are making changes to help the environment. |
鄭安妘(高雄正義高中國中部701) |
3. What can kids do to make the planet a cleaner place? |
Coach Jeff: |
I like the saying, “Think globally, act locally.” Trying to clean a whole planet is a big job. Kids can help by keeping their personal space clean and green! |
陳家柔(台北市西湖國中802) |
4. What is your favorite environmental friendly product? |
Coach Jeff: |
I think “vegetables from a traditional market.” Why are they environmentally friendly? Because they use less packaging than vegetables at a supermarket. |
吳語宸(新竹自強國中806) |
5. Why don’t we make more laws protecting the earth? |
Coach Jeff: |
In fact, we have a lot of laws protecting the Earth! Before we make any more new laws, we should make sure people are obeying the ones that we already have! |
吳瑞恩(高雄道明中學國中部203) |
6. Mr. Coach Jeff. I have a new idea. I think we can make some robots to clean up our Earth and plant trees. Will the earth be much cleaner than if humans did this? |
Coach Jeff: |
Maybe… but remember, it takes energy to make robots and energy to keep robots moving, so try to invent a robot that uses renewable energy, like solar power. |
謝珊珊(新北市積穗國中 808) |
7. Without human beings, will our earth become better? |
Coach Jeff: |
Wow! That’s a really hard question. I’m not sure. Better for whom? Actually, I like human beings. Most of my friends are human beings. I hope we can have a better Earth AND still keep human beings, too. |
翁寀寧(台北百齡高中國中部903) |
8. Planting trees can help to reduce global warming, but there is no place to plant trees. What can we do to solve this problem |
Coach Jeff: |
If you can’t plant a new tree, maybe you should recycle some paper products. That can save the life of an old tree! |
蔡秉志(台北南港高中國中部807) |
9. Do human beings have a way to remove the huge garbage currently floating in the ocean? |
Coach Jeff: |
I think that will be very difficult, so we should try not to add any more garbage to the ocean. We all have a responsibility to take care of our garbage in a responsible way. |
許睿恩(台北南港高中國中部807) |
10. If only renewable energy is used to generate electricity, can Taiwan really use electricity for a whole year? |
Coach Jeff: |
This is a great question! Taiwan uses a lot of electricity. Maybe there is not enough renewable energy to generate all of Taiwan’s electricity. But the more renewable energy we use, the less carbon we add to the atmosphere. Maybe we cannot be 100% renewable, but we can try to get closer and closer every year. |
徐祥恩(新北新埔國中806) |
11. What material can we use instead of trees to make paper |
Coach Jeff: |
Recycled materials can also be used to make paper. So make sure you recycle this newspaper after you read it! |
吳宜珊(新北新埔國中806) |
12. Where shall we plant trees? |
Coach Jeff: |
Is there a place in your schoolyard to plant an Earth Day tree? If your school will let you plant a tree this year, students will be able to enjoy this tree for many years later. Maybe your school can do that every year! |
謝秉錥(新北石碇高中國中部102) |
13. Why didn’t the government help to tell people to join this activity? |
Coach Jeff: |
I think many governments around the world support Earth Day activities. However, you should not depend on the government to solve every problem! You can help to tell people to join Earth Day activities, too, right? We can all do a little bit to help. |
張育愷(新北竹林中學901) |
14. Can eating less meat make the environment better? |
Coach Jeff: |
“Eating” meat is not really the problem. I’m not an expert but I have heard that “raising animals for meat” is the problem, because animals, like cows, produce a lot of greenhouse gases. So, maybe, indirectly, eating less meat can help reduce global warming. |
吳巧曼(新北樹林國小408) |
15. What will happen if global warming is getting worse? |
Coach Jeff: |
Some experts say the oceans will rise. Other experts say deserts will get bigger. Most scientists say that increasing global warming will change the places where people can grow food and live. |
達波力克、蕭夢婷、吳禹亮、胡念慈(花蓮豐濱國中801) |
16. How often do you do things for our Earth? |
Coach Jeff: |
My idea is simple. Everyday should be like Earth Day. In other words, I keep my part of the world clean everyday, recycle things everyday, and try not to waste electricity everyday, I feel like I am helping our Earth all the time. |
林子安(桃園中壢國中811) |
17. What can we do to minimize carbon emissions on Earth Day? |
Coach Jeff: |
I think it is important to “only use what you need,” and then “reuse what you can.” You can do simple things. Only turn on the lights when you really need them. Reuse shopping bags and then recycle them. |
莊凱淩(高雄正義高中國中部701) |
18. Why do we need to protect our environment? |
Coach Jeff: |
Just like your house is your home, the environment is your larger home. You should take care of it, like you take care of your house because the environment is your home sweet home! (Mine, too!) |
李宜璇(新北二重國中804) |
19. Besides planting trees, what can we do to reduce global warming? |
Coach Jeff: |
Here’s an idea! During the summer, instead of using super cold air conditioning, you can raise the temperature just a degree or two. You might feel a little warmer, but the planet might stay cooler. |
黃芳宜(新北二重國中803) |
20. Have you ever done anything for our earth? |
Coach Jeff: |
Instead of driving or taking public transportation to work, I either ride a bicycle or run. On most days, I use the power of my body to commute rather than fossils fuels. |
林准婕(台北市西湖國中701) |
21. Some people have the tradition of burning “paper money” which produce a lot of smoke and makes the air pollution. What can those people do to help make the air cleaner? |
Coach Jeff: |
I’m not sure how to answer this. Compared to all of the pollution from other things in this world, burning money for ancestors doesn’t seem like a very big problem to me. I’m not sure what to do! |
翁子涵(屏東市九如國中 9-6) |
22. Where did Earth Day originate and how it develop? |
Coach Jeff: |
The first Earth Day was in 1970. Earth Day began in the United States. First, it was just a day to teach students about taking care of the earth, but then it grew and grew. Now, Earth Day is celebrated around the world. |
袁瑋傑(屏東至正國中802) |
23. Would you like to raise money for environmental groups? |
Coach Jeff: |
I think it’s great to give money to groups that you believe in. Just make sure that the group uses the money for the right things! |
徐嘉妤(高雄道明中學國中部206) |
24. If we stop using fire to make electricity, what is the best way to make electricity for environment? |
Coach Jeff: |
Renewable energy sources like wind and water are good ideas. Solar power is getting better and better, too. |
王羿婷(新北市積穗國中 808) |
25. How do you spend your Earth Day? |
Coach Jeff: |
Because Earth Day is not a “day off” for most people, I don’t really do anything special on Earth Day. I just go to work, as usual. Pretty boring, right? |